Dear Beloved Community:
We are currently planning a May 4, 2009 "Toss the Tasers" Rally at Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street at 5:30 pm to support Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bob Ray Sanders' call for a moratorium on the use of Tasers until there is another thorough review of the department's policies on the stun guns and until there can be more independent analyses of theireffectiveness versus their danger. As Brother Sanders has stated, "for the most part, we've depended on the manufacturer's analysis."
I agree with Brother Bob Ray 100% and encourage the entire community to do the same.
That is the least we can do for the family of Michael Patrick Jacobs, Jr., who died after he received a taser shock by Fort Worth Police on April 18Th. Some rally for a tea party, we will rally for justice. Dr. King was right when he said, "the time to do right is now, and the time is always RIPE to do right." Hope to See you all on May 4th at City Hall.Michael Patrick Jacobs, Jr., who was mentally challenged, did not have to die this way. Lets "Toss the Tasers - There Must Be A Better Way."
In Harmony,
Rev. Kyev Tatum
7510 John T White Road
Fort Worth, Texas 76120